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How tall should my fence be?

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Just wondering what people’s experiences are with 4-foot vs. 6-foot fences.


I’m closing off two pieces of my yard. There are some existing fences that are 4 feet tall; I won’t be changing them. However, the pieces of fence that I’m putting in face the sidewalk and driveway: the places that the dog is likely to want to “escape to” so I was wondering if I should put in taller fencing there.


The dog will not left outside unattended, but I would like to be able to garden or lounge around outside without watching him every second. I've never seen him jump anything 4 feet tall, but I've never seen him try, either. :rolleyes:








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Is this chain link fencing? Not be able to see what's on the other side of the fence will help keep your dog from wanting to get out.

If your dog respects the 4ft fence you have now, then I'd stay at 4ft. My dogs will stay in a 2ft tall doggie play pen because they are trained to.


On the same note, my dogs are trained to my yard with no fencing. (invisible fencing, but they don't wear the collars anymore). It's all about the training.

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Aaah, but not everyone's dog will stay in a 4ft fence,let alone 2ft play pen. <VBG>



Remember one might also want to discourage neighbourhood strays from coming in.

A lot of times fencing is not so much about keeping critters in,as much as keeping

critters out. One of the numerous reasons I am not a fan of invisible fence.



If one can afford 6ft I'd go ahead...one never knows, another

dog could be added to the family that could sail over a 4ft from a standstill...

There again around my area 'good fences DEFINITELY make good neighbours'.

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I'd go with six feet. I think a BC who really wanted out could climb a six foot fence but probably couldn't just leap over it, and you'll be out there with them anyway. But four feet? No, that's just making it too easy. :rolleyes: If something really tempting were on the other side, most BC would be able to sail over a four foot fence quicker than you could do anything about it, even if you were close by.

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

My entire yard is fenced with 4ft chainlink fencing and NONE of my dogs have ever so much as attempted to escape.


If you have the money for a 6ft fence, go for it, I guess. But if your dog can jump a 4ft fence then he's just going to go to one of the already existing 4ft sections to escape. It really seems sort of silly to me to fence part of the yard with 6ft if the other part is only 4ft. I guarantee you, if your dog wants to get to the busy sidewalk, he's not stupid. If there is a 6ft tall fence in front of him and a 4ft tall fence beside him, he's gonna hop over the one to his side. You said your dog won't be outside alone so I don't see how escaping would become a problem unless he would totally disregard your commands regarding exciting things outside of the fence.


So, my vote is to save yourself a few bucks and go with a 4ft fence. But whether or not your dog is highly stimulated by the goings-on outside of the fence should also be a point to consider when deciding not only on the height of the fence, but the type of fencing.

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hmmmm I was just thinking about fence hight the other day as I left the bark park to go to my car and grab something and found that shelby had managed to escape. when I got back a minute later I was informed that shelby jumped over the fence like it was nothing, leaving poor wicket stranded, as he has yet to figure out how to jump...


I would go with the 6 foot and make sure there is nothing a dog might stand on and use to jump over with :rolleyes:

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when I got back a minute later I was informed that shelby jumped over the fence like it was nothing, leaving poor wicket stranded, as he has yet to figure out how to jump...


My sweet little Violet BC used to live with two ACD's before she came to me. The younger of the two ACDs would leap over the four foot fence as soon as his owner turned the dogs out, and go spend the day with his owner's sister who lived next door. The older ACD couldn't manage the leap, so Violet would stay inside the fence with him to keep him company. :D


Faith, OTOH, has recently developed an ambition to be a guard dog. She saw DH on the other side of the pasture from her this weekend and I suppose didn't recognize him at such a distance. Good thing her six foot run has a wire covering over the top, or she'd have been after him! :D And only six months old - what a precocious little thing. :rolleyes::D


Depending on the dogs, I think the OP might be better off extending those four foot sections to six feet.

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