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Is there a general consensus

Guest pax

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It would never happen in the horse show ring. They have careers just like a human athlete. Recognition is big. Who imported what, what it did, etc.

We tend not to change "barn names"...their pet names. Most horses are pretty much of the "call-me-anything-as-long-as-you-don't-call-me-late-to-supper" school.



On the other hand, I've changed the names of most of my dogs, because they came to me almost always as rescues and I didn't think keeping the name association was always a positive.



I'm getting an 8 month old dog who knows his name. And I kinda like it, "Notch" because it reminds me of sitting in a tree, but last night when I told my friend Tony he started singing Pat Benatar's "Put another notch in my lipstick case" at me. :rolleyes: I don't want people to be humming Pat Benatar when I take this dog out in public!


What say you, good people? Is he just too young for it to make a difference, as he's not actually working yet? Is it bad form? Bad luck?



(Notch is for a funny piece of colouring on his neck.)

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I'd see what he's like, and call him what you think fits. I don't think there's anything wrong with changing a pup's name, but I woudn't change the name on a dog already competing unless I already had a dog, child or S.O. named the same thing. ( A friend got an imported dog named Jim, but that was also her husband's name, so she change the name to Finn). I bet Notch would take to a new name within days, and it's easy to change on paper, if you are going to send in an owner registration change anyways. My "Pod" came to me at 10 months with the ABCA name "Missy" (ugh! - apology to anyone with a dog named Missy, but it just didn't bode well with me.) My "Cooper" came with the name "Wiley" at 10 months. I think one of the fun things about owning dogs is being able to name them. Laurie


edited to add- Some foks say you should name 'em what you want 'em to become, and I've been told to steer clear of names like chase, grip, killer, slash, etc. (This coming from someone with a dog named "Danger", and his crazy sister "Risk", I also have "Able", "Gotta", "Nan" and new puppy "Tyko", a swedish name which means "bulls-eye").

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I love the name Notch, why didn't I think of it? I would have never thought of Pat though and I am a fan of hers. So I wouldn't worry to much about that.


Like Laurie said, folks DO say you should name a dog what you want them to be. I have a Trick and a Belle in the house as of now. Not to sure if I love or like the name Belle though and Trick should have been named Sin (but wasn't, so I am crossing my figers for her!! lol). :rolleyes:



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Hmmm, I think your friend Tony was reaching! :rolleyes: I would never have thought of that song.


Anyway, I think it is sometimes appropriate to change a dog's name, especially a rescue. But if it were me, and the dog already knew his name and it wasn't a rescue, I doubt I'd change it.


And, I love the name Notch. Very cool!

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Well, I'm waiting to see if anything else I like more pops up but he spent the better part of the day being refered to by my sister, (she's the evil sister, just so you know) as Knothead. :rolleyes:


Poor guy.


Nacho...I will spend my days craving them. :D and then it'll be margaritas and then the next thing you know civilization as we know it will be over and I'll be running around wearing nothing but a sheep skin and some Uggs looking for limes. Better not, I think.

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I think NOtch is a fab name and very unusual, our dogs were named when we adopted them. PInky & Perky two girls... I cringed when i heard what they were called but i got use to it and their names suit them... i still have a little giggle calling them thou... cos i associate the names with goldfish!!

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