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Menadione - Is it something to be concerned about?

Allie Oop

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The pet food issue is really starting to get crazy. I have been following the recall notices as they are issued and this morning noticed that there is an article linked on Howl911 regarding Blue Buffalo's use of a synthetic Vitamin K additive called menadione. Just to paraphrase, the use of this additive is being objected to because it has been banned in Europe for use in human foods and supplements and the FDA has banned the use of menadione in over-the-counter supplements because of its high toxicity. The article (or more properly - a blog) doesn't cite to any actual studies or incidents of death or even injury in dogs or cats.


I know we have some very knowledgeable folks on the board -- do any of you think this use of menadione is something that merits concern or is it a bit of "witch hunt" brought on by the hysteria engendered by the pet food recalls?


I currently feed my animals Blue Buffalo and have experienced no problems with it at all, but I guess from what I have read about menadione it is a build-up and toxicity issue.

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I am not a scientist.


Once upon a time, however, I did research the routine injection of synthetic Vitamin K in newborn humans as an anticlotting agent.


There were some studies that suggested that cases of childhood leukaemia jumped after the jab became prevalent.


I know they are not identical chemicals, animals, or methods of utilization. I'm just saying having seen these studies (which are now old, because I did this research when my first one was born), I'd be interested to hear more about it's use in animal food, too.

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Menadione is a synthetic Vitamin K - according to my animal nutrtion professors here at Purdue university it poses no threat when consumed by animals. I'll go by firsthand info from PhDs before I turn to the 'net personally.

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I have definitely read in many places that artificial vitamin K is not a generally good thing to put in animal food. Nothing has said that it's toxic or anything, just that it's not a great thing - kind of like "meat byproducts." They probably won't harm your dog - they're just not a great ingredient. If your animals are doing well on Blue Buffalo, then I'd keep feeding it. I think one less than desirable ingredient in this case does not negate the overall good quality food.

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