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Interest in the Handlers Dinner at the 2007 USBCHA National Finals


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Thank you to all that have responded to the interest in a Handler's dinner at the 2007 USBCHA Finals in Gettysburg this year.


At this time we have not received enough responses to justify having a Handlers Dinner at the Finals. The responses we have received have been overwhelmingly in favor of a Handlers Dinner.


I am sure there are alot of people that we have not heard from. We need to hear your opinion, either Yes or No!


We will keep the poll open till this Sunday, April 8th. At that time a decision will be made, based on the responses we have received, whether to continue pursuing a Handlers dinner or not.


Please send response privately to me at Nancy Obernier


_____ Yes I will be attending the USBCHA Finals and wish to attend the Handlers Dinner


_____ Number attending


____ Yes I will be attending the USBCHA Finals, but would NOT be interested in attending the Handlers Dinner



We will let you know the outcome of the poll.


Nancy Obernier and Elayne Holbrook

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