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Should I go to the vet

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Ceana has been showing signs of going into heat since feb 11th, the 18th she started bleeding and ended that about a week and a half later. Now all of her energy is back and she is acting normal, but her "stuff" hasn't completely retreated? Do I need to freak out and take her to the vet, or can this be normal and just a little long? Or I am embaressed to ask, was the always a little "stuff' out and I just never looked and so I am just paranoid? It definetly does not look the same as in the thick of things. I am posting this here hoping more peole will see it. Her behavior and energy is the same as always, she eats just fine. Someone tell me if I am over reacting because I my worrying is escalating by the date.


Oh and to clear the air, we are not going to breed her. ( She has hated being away from friends) We are just waiting until 14 months to spay. Someone at work said that her dog had "stuff" permently outside after her first heat. Is this normal? We just found a dog park with an obstacle course near by so if anyone knows anything I would greatly appreciate it. We really would like to try the obstacle course. I am going to cross reference this in health as well. I am just looking for a quick responce.

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when you say 'stuff' do you mean her vulva is still swollen, or do you mean she still has discharge?

my girls swelling of the vulva seems to take a little while to go down and i am convinced it never goes back to what it was before the first season. i have never known discharge to continue after the 3 weeks, but i have only ever had these 2 bitches who have been entire and had seasons, molly was spayed before her next season after i took her in.

my friends irish terrier had her season and then carried on with a little discharge to promptly have a second season within 3 weeks!

if it were me with one of mine, and you are talking of discharge i think i would pop along to the vets just to have it checked. i have also known of a bitch who wore 'knickers' with a pad in them to stop her staining furniture when indoors and she got an infection in her urinary tract. i dont know if having her ladies bits all covered up during her season was a coincidence or the cause.

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