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The Dreaded Spring Shed

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In the last couple of days, Sara has started the dreaded spring shed. Over the past 13 yrs, I have learned that she has about a week of your being able to see her hair start loosening up and fading, then it starts falling out just groups of strands at a time and then it starts falling out in clumps and then in handsful. By the second week, it doesn't matter if you brush her every few hours, hair will still drift out when she moves. I can't vacuum fast enough to keep all of her hair cleaned up! The amazing thing is she still has a full coat left despite all of this shedding.


How can a dog that lives in Houston where it rarely gets below freezing in the winter... and even then not for more than a day or so ... have such a thick, heavy undercoat!


Well, good brushing to all of us who battle the dreaded spring shed! :rolleyes:

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Mir is shedding too, and we of course made the mistake of buying a black couch with a white dog. Dumb us! I actually have been brushing her every day, but she HATES it! Even if she gets treats afterward! She thinks it's cuddle time and will roll over onto her back so I can rub her belly, but it's her BACK that I need to brush!!


I swear, as much fur as I've gotten off of her, it looks like there are just fur puppies everywhere, and she INSISTS on eating the hairballs as I pull them out of the brush! :rolleyes: What a dork!


- Brooke -

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Zoe hasn't hit coat-blowing stage yet.... I'm dreading it. I'd forgotten all about it.... normally she barely sheds anything at all. It was such a SHOCK last year when she blew.... I was absolutely flabbergasted!!

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I'm lucky Jack hasn't started shedding yet. He would have froze today. But I'm armed and ready for it when it comes :rolleyes:

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Kessie is almost done with shedding. I have to say I prefer the gorgeous winter coat to this :rolleyes:


...but I'd rather have her scrawny-looking than overheating of course.


And she's not freezing to death just yet!





If I ever get bothered by a raving health fanatic again, I can always tell them about the amount of dog hair I consume each spring (involuntarily of course) :D.

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I could have made a couple of extra dogs out of what I got out of mine on Wednesday. :rolleyes:


Sandra I love your signature.


Thanks, and welcome! :D


Kessie's results would maybe be enough to make a small snarky shi tzu...she doesn't shed as much as some others here, luckily (and colour-wise it blends nicely into the carpet if you don't look too closely :D ). Kyla hasn't started shedding yet.

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and she INSISTS on eating the hairballs as I pull them out of the brush! :rolleyes: What a dork!


Does anyone have a dog that eats the other dogs' toenail clippings?


When I clip nails (which I did last night, in addition to pulling enough undercoat out of Red Dog to make a whole new, albeit lighter coloured, Red Dog) Woo stands |right there| with his nose practically touching the clippers, and he consumes the nail bits I snip off. I find it mildly repulsive. He used to hate nail clipping and fought it, until he discovered the joy of eating the nails and now he practically begs me to clip. So I live with it, it being the lesser of two evils.




Woo is weird.



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Well...I admit, an effort to avoid a pants-wiping situation is how I learned that Sophie is not very particular...and since then...well...I suppose I have been somewhat complicit in enabling access to her slimy snack of choice...

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Well, don't they love cow hooves? They're nails, basically, so no wonder they like the taste of their own nails....


I know of a certain someone (no names, please), who's gone once in the bathroom garbage and ate some human toenail clippings (no, not mine...) ... now THAT's disgusting! Beahhhhhhhhh!

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